Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Medicare Ambulatory Paymant System Essay Example

Medicare Ambulatory Paymant System Essay Example Medicare Ambulatory Paymant System Paper Medicare Ambulatory Paymant System Paper Ambulatory payment system commonly referred to as the Ambulatory Payment Category (APC) was adopted by the United States government in order to facilitate easy, faster and convenient outpatient services for the Medicare program. The federal government through it budget act of 1997, it established a new program under the major medical cover that takes care of the old people to create what is called Outpatient Prospective payment system abbreviated as OPPS. This method is only applicable to hospitals and that physicians could get their payment through other means like the current procedural terminology. The Ambulatory payment category usually come to use when a patient is discharged from the hospital’s emergency department or clinic or get a transfer to another health facility which is not allied to the hospital of origin where the patient was initially treated as an outpatient. Basically the ambulatory payment system begun as a federal government’s initiative and have gained popularity in that the state programs like Medicaid is also considering adoption of the same method. If these programs keep on succeeding, definitely the third part insurance companies in the healthcare system may also adopt it. Establishment The balanced budget act of the year 1997 (BBA) section 4523 gives authority and allows CMS to execute the prospective payment system which operated under the Medicare program and servicing the outpatients. This act was modified in 1999 and all the services that are paid under this prospective payment system are categorized into various groups which are termed as ambulatory payment classifications (APC’s). Generally all the services in the ambulatory payment system have comparable resource requirement and are identical or clinically similar. Services in each APC are reimbursed according to the services provided by the hospital and the hospitals could be paid for more than one APC for a single encounter (Medicare 1998). The modification of the section 4523 of balanced budget led to changes in the method of determining the beneficiary coinsurance for the services provided under the prospective payment system. In essence a coinsurance amount is calculated for every APC depending on the 20% of the national median payment for services in the APC. The coinsurance amount remains constant with any changes until the time when the amount becomes 20% of the total APC reimbursement. The act also provides that not amount of coinsurance would be greater than the yearly deductibles of the hospital inpatient. The two amounts, that is APC payment and coinsurance will be adjusted to indicate the geographic salary variation by use of the hospital age index and the assumption that the part of the payment or coinsurance that is attributed to labor is 60% (Hyman 2005). The proposed changes in the medical program of the United States targets to the Medicaid and Medicare programs since they major bodies that are concerned with healthcare coverage for the old who generally cannot afford a health insurance (third party coverage) US Division of the Federal Register. (2005). The federal operates the Medicare program and it’s the main source of the transformation initiative. Under this, the payment rates in following sections of Medicare will be transformed; payment rates for 2009, ambulatory surgical center 2009, hospital conditions of participation etc. The Previous Medicare Payment System There are three basic methods by which the citizens of the United States take care of their medical bill and they are; Medicare program, Medicaid program and the third party cover by insurance companies. It is estimated that the hospitals in the US receive over thirty percent of their revenue from the Medicare program. Most of the payments made directly to the hospitals by the program come from the inpatient cases and this is approximated to be about 88% while the rest covers the outpatients (Medicare 1998). The method used by the Medicare to cover expenses by the inpatient is as follows, there several disease conditions which are categorized as the diagnosis related groups (DRGs) there are about 600 cases in the groups and the Medicare only pays flat rates for a single hospital session. Each DRG is assigned certain weight and to compute the actual fee to be paid in each of the DRGs for a specific year, the DRGs relative payment weight is multiplied by the monetary exchange factor of that particular year is dollars. The value obtained is further adjusted in accordance to the variations in the labor cost of that region and of other facility inputs and for the local factors that could result in variations in the price of providing care(Hyman 2005). In order to take care of the complicated cases whose resources use significantly excesses that foreseen in the closest DRG, the system gives the outlier imbursement that in principle are meant to imply the estimates by the hospital for providing the extra supplies and services employed. The DRG weight that are being used were initially (since early 1980s) based on the relative average expenses of cases in the DRG’s. Some changes have been made to the calculation including average standardized, paid expenses for all cases that fall into each DRG in the recent Medicare records. The DRGs have since then been adjusted based on the standard, paid expenses of for all the cases that are covered under each of the DRGs in the current Medicare documents (Cleverley Cameron 2006). The outpatients initially compensated the hospital in a retrospective manner for the allowable, costs incurred for which the owners of the Medicare were supposed to make co-payments. These payments increased considerably since the early 1980s and by 1997 they were about 50% of the whole amount of healthcare expenses for the outpatient services. This called for some intervention and in 1997; a balanced budget act was established to drive the Medicare into controlling the apparently inflationary, full cost compensation system with a new one that would adopt a prospective cost schedule, and that the basic unit for the payment would be a specific service or procedure (Hyman 2005). This schedule was meant to be effected in the new millennium. In its efforts to develop new fee calendar, Medicare had to package as much as reasonable the whole set of supplies and services linked with main procedure into one large group. The groups were to contain the main processes that are clinically comparable and used equivalent amount of resources. These groupings were done according to the ambulatory payment categorization (APC) that was designed by researchers in the health services study and investigation undertakings. These APC’s are still developing and expanding as the Medicare program attains greater heights of knowledge and experience as well as with the advent of new technologies (Medicare 1998). Similar to the DRG system that is used in the inpatient system to pay hospital bills, APC dollar amount is also derived by multiplication of the relative cost weight of the specific APC (founded on the median of the particular APC) by a monetary exchange factor. Additional adjustments are made by considering aspects like cost of facilities, salaries and other factors that contribute to the cost of outpatient medication. The Medicare system is very complicated, partly because of the government’s involvement to regulate the operations of the system and ensuring fairness, responsibility, and meeting the social objectives. Most of the critics of the program overlook the fact that these obligations are a driving force to the public medical service and a challenge to the privatized medical care services (Hyman 2005). Nonetheless, the myriad of distinct imbursement schemes for the United States private insurance companies are complicated as well, by the global standards and mostly still founded on paper claims. The Transformations Last year there were announcements by the Medicare program about the new rule to increase the reimbursement rate for hospital outpatient sections and the ambulatory surgical departments by 3% throughout 2009 however those that do not comply with the new quality reporting regulation will see that pay rate increase only by one percent. It’s generally the first time that the services provided by the Medicare program are correlated to the quality of the services. The Medicare intends to entrench a culture of cautious purchasing of medical services from hospitals not based on the quantity alone but also quality and this would be in effect by the strict observance of the rule builds on transforming the program. Researches in the medical sector trends have indicated that more people prefer the outpatient settings as opposed to the inpatient service. For this reason, the center for Medicare administrator (CMS), Kerry Weems last year declared that Medicare would commit itself to work in conjunction with the hospital so as to make sure that their clients (people with Medicare) get the best quality of healthcare and in proper settings(Medicare 1998). The proposed changes for the year 2009 are meant to allow the hospital more fluidity in their operations so that management of the resources is improved and also give them the incentive to enhance the effectiveness where both beneficiaries and citizens (taxpayers) get the best worth for their healthcare expenses. The proposed rule to start operation in 2009 will ensure that there are up to date rates of payment in both the outpatient prospective payment system and ambulance surgery center prospective system (ASC-PPS) which would operational in the second year would seek to put in the same category the ASC rates and ambulatory payment classification groups that are currently used for reimbursement of the outpatient hospital department. The new rule will also address the 3% update on inflation rate per year to Medicare payment rates for most services that would be paid by the outpatient prospective payment system to an excess of over 4,000 hospitals and community mental healthcare centers in Calendar Year 2009. There are more changes in the in the new proposed changes to take care of the outpatient services provided by general acute care hospitals, community mental care facility, inpatient psychotherapy amenities, long-term acute care hospitals, pediatric hospital and cancer hospitals(Medicare 1998). The centre for Medicare and Medicaid projected that hospitals in the United States would receive about $28. 7 billion in Calendar Year 2009 for services provide to people who have Medicare coverage. In addition to that, center for Medicare and Medicaid will pay about $ 3. 9 billion in the year 2009 to over five thousand people who operate ambulatory surgery center program with Medicare. This is a major improvement in the health care sector since in the past years; the payment of the outpatient services was not in accordance with the quality of healthcare provided (Cleverley Cameron 2006). In the new preview, the proposed changes will demand that the outpatient prospective payment system updates be cut down by at least 2% for hospitals which do not comply with the quality reporting demands. For the reports to be fully informative and up to date, for the services provided in the year 2009, the hospitals will be required by the new law to give reports of the year 2008 on seven quality dimension of emergency department and pre-operative surgical procedures. Initially the seven dimensions were not strictly considered because of laxity but the new CMS has introduced four new dimensions of imaging effectiveness to the seven presented value measures for reason that it would useful for 2010 updates. CMS also intends to introduce public comment on other quality measures in sectors like the testing for the probable risk of cancer. Center for Medicare and Medicaid services seeks to improve and reinforce the program and enhance association between the value of care and Medicare imbursement, by obtaining public comment on the various options and contemplations for transforming payment methods for offering treatment to the conditions that are basically preventable if the practitioner follows the established guidelines. Currently, the center for Medicare and Medicaid is working on a policy implementation strategy to offer a similar change to the inpatient services as provided for by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. Under such regulations, the CMS will not make high payment rates to the hospitals for the giving treatment to various disease conditions which are predetermined to be realistically preventable as provided in the guidelines when they are attained during the patient’s stay in the hospital. For this, the hospitals will have an incentive to provide quality healthcare by following the guidelines already in place to cut down the number of cases that get infected by preventable conditions that occur as a consequence of the treatment (Medicare 1998). When these changes are fully followed and strictly observed, then the healthcare will have attained that status that one can comfortably say that it is reliable and of good quality services. Proposed Changes for Imaging Services There are instances when several imaging services are provided in one session, the CMS is also seeking to promote greater effectiveness by changing its way of making such payments for the multiple services in one sitting. This means that CMS will only make single imbursement for the multiple imaging services of a specific type for instance several ultrasound processes done in one session in the healthcare facility. Apart from the ultrasound processes, CMS will also include other services like the magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computer Tomography scans (CT-scans). The proposal also covers the changes that have to be used to enhance the accuracy of healthcare cost estimates which are used to set up prices for drugs and biologically active substances, United States Division of the Federal Register. (2005). Medical Cost Decrease According the statement by the management of Medicare program, the amount of expenses that the Medicare beneficiary would pay for the outpatient will decrease depending on the strategy put in place by the Medicare regulation which will translate to gradual changeover to 20% coinsurance. Before the implementation of the changes in outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) for the year 2000, those serviced by Medicare used to take care of about 20% of the hospitals expenses instead of the 20% of the Medicare charges for services given to outpatients(Hyman 2005). Since the medical cost in hospital rose at a faster rate compared to the Medicare coverage for the same services, the Medicare beneficiaries share usually got beyond 50% of the whole amount paid to the hospital for the services. In the estimates made by the CMS analysts, about 25% of all the services that would be provided to the outpatients will be subjected to 20% coinsurance in the year 2009 cutting down from the 23% that was being used in 2008. The Benefits The anticipated transformation in the handling of the outpatient under the Medicare program is expected to bring about some uneasy feelings and also different reactions for different people. However most will agree that it will provide a very effective tool for the management to ensure that the management is efficient and also initiate responsibility and as a result, the profitability of the facilities will increase (Medicare 1998). The introduction of the Diagnosis Related Grouper (DRGs) for the compensation of the inpatients in 1983 was also faced with so much resistance with many critics insinuating that it would be a flop and the prospective payment would result in more problems. Contrary to the prediction of the critics, there were so many improvements in the superseding years in the overall operating margins for the inpatient services in most of the hospitals according to data from American Hospital Association. A similar improvement is anticipated in the year 2009 onwards in the outpatient services which will give the owners a lot of convenience and great assistance. The managers in particular will have a succinct data structure of management which will translate to efficiency because this is a very important tool for addressing product line concerns (Cleverley Cameron 2006). The information obtained will be used for the evaluation of the outpatient services, to practice expense regulation and to precisely bargain managed healthcare contracts. Most of the benefits will be enjoyed by mangers and those serviced by the Medicare program which means the plan is cost effective and that none of the parties involved will be exploited. The major benefits include the following; managers will have a means of spotting and correcting problems in the practice for instance inaccurate coding, unfinished documentation process and unwarranted supplementary services (Hyman 2005); the APC system will provide a method of facilitating cost reduction, comparison of expenses, alleviate instances of payment delays and carry out financial evaluations like the profit and loss calculation and analyses; the financial manger will be in comfortable position when making measurement of there competitiveness, making comparisons of the services with other local or even the national standards; outpatient hospital financial administrator can be able to develop case mix or make other measurements of resources utilization based on the number of people serviced, such kind of information can de very beneficial in the evaluation of the managed healthcare contracts; and finally the execution of the proposed changes in the OPPS section of Medicare w ill enable easy and accurate predictability of the imbursement which means that the manager can authenticate the accurateness of the compensation received (Cleverley Cameron 2006). Conclusion The transition in the needs of the US citizens and the globalization process has led to the increased need to improve healthcare. It such efforts, the health care practitioners and providers can work together to provide services to the clients. The development of the Ambulatory payment system (APC’s) was intended to provide quality healthcare on fee for service terms because of the development of the information sector and free market situation. Furthermore APC’s are also aimed at transferring some of the monetary risk for the services offered to the outpatient from the federal government to specific hospitals that provide the services and in this way, it is cost effective to operate the program. This is considered an inducement to better performance which is economical, efficient and profitable References Cleverley W. O Cameron (2006). Essentials of Health Care Finance. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Hyman D (2005). Improving Healthcare. A Dose of Competition. A Report by the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice (July, 2004), with Various Supplementary Materials. Birkhauser. Medicare (1998). Prospective Payment System for Hospital Outpatient Services. Proposed Rules. Federal Register. Retrieved on 17th February 2009 from acess. opo. gov/su. docs/aces/aces140html United States Division of the Federal Register. (2005). Code of Federal Regulations. United States Federal Register Division. Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration

Saturday, November 23, 2019

So Long As

Describing Actions Using While, As, As/So Long As While and as are used to describe actions that occur at the same moment that something is in progress. While and as are sometimes confused with the preposition during. Both express the same idea, but the structures are different. While and as are time expressions and take a subject and verb. During is a preposition and is used with a noun or noun phrase. Take a look at the following examples to note the difference. Notice how the meaning remains the same in both structures: During We discussed the situation during lunch. (noun) They are going to visit the Empire State Building during their visit to New York (noun phrase). When / As We discussed the situation while we were eating lunch. (full adverb time clause with subject and verb) They are going to visit the Empire State Building as they visit New York. (full adverb time clause with subject and verb) Future: Use while or as to state something that occurs at the same moment that something else - the main focus of the sentence - important will occur. Time clause: present simple Main clause: future form Examples: Were going to speak about the modifications as you eat lunch.Shell work out the order details while we discuss what to do next. Present: Use while or as to express what always happens when something else important takes place. This use of while and as is not as common as the time expression when. Notice that the preposition during is often used in place of while or as to express the same idea. Time clause: present simple Main clause: present simple Examples: He usually has lunch while he takes a walk around the campus.Angela often takes notes as the meeting progresses. Past: While and as are used in the past to express an action that was occurring at the moment when something important happened. While and as are also used to express two actions that were happening at the same moment in the past. Time clause: past simple OR past continuous Main clause: past simple OR past continuous Examples: Doug was drying the dishes while we were watching TV.Peter took notes as we discussed the merger. During an Entire Period of Time As long as and so long as are similar in use to while and as. However, as / so long as is used for longer period of times, while when and as are used for more specific, shorter periods of time. As / so long as are also used to stress that something will happen, happens or happened over the entire period of time in an emphatic manner. Although examples are provided for ​the past, present and future, as long as and so long as are generally used with future forms. Notice the use of tenses: Future: Use so / as long as that something will not happen for the entire period of time expressed by the time clause with as / so long as. Time clause: present simple Main clause: future form Examples: I will never play golf as long as I live.She will never return so long as she breathes. Present: Use as / so long as to express that something happens or doesnt happen over the entire period of time that another event occurs. Time clause: present simple Main clause: present simple Examples: As long as he plays piano, I go for a walk.She visits with her month, so long as her husband has to take care of business in town. Past: Use as / so long as to describe an action that did or didnt occur over a longer period of time in the past. Time clause: past simple ï » ¿Main clause: past simple OR past continuous Examples: She didnt get any exercise as long as she was working 60 hours a week.Peter didnt enjoy his company so long as he was in the house.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Statement of purpose 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Statement of purpose 2 - Essay Example I always desired to be of great help as well to the young people in the building of a good future they can be proud of and be a part in freeing them from ignorance therefore, from passion in criminal acts, helping them lead their skills and strengths to productivity rather than destruction. Being from Kuwait and mostly taught by my countrymen, I have discovered the advantages of being able to speak another language especially that which is used internationally, English. Speaking only one language limits a person’s opportunities like employment and continuing one’s studies overseas. This is a problem which abounds in our country because of the communication constraints to those who are not able to speak English fluently. The inability of a person to express himself well in an international language does not always mean the person is stupid or has nothing good to say. The thing is, most bright people meet the problem of effectively bringing their thoughts into a state whe re they are well understood. This situation usually brings some problems with it like the use of an ineffective English speaker’s ideas by others who are more apt to the use of the language. Such atrocities are among the reasons why I like to empower myself with the learning I can get from my post-graduate studies. I have been blessed to have acquired a good deal of information and training in verbal and written English communication skills as most of my professors have observed in the recommendation letters they provided me. However, I know there is still a wide room for me for improvement so that as an educator, I would like to let myself be further trained. This is the very reason why I would like to enroll at your prestigious school, the University of Sussex as I also know that this school is internationally recognized, providing a high quality of education. As an educator, I value the quality of education that I provide to my students so I also seek such education becaus e I believe I can never give what I do not have. I am currently teaching English at the Ministry of Education in Kuwait exclusively for boys and it is here that my passions have been inflamed again to affect the lives of such young minds, to learn another language and not be satisfied in their comfort zones. I now see myself in them when I was a student myself. My elementary and high school days have been quite easy because most of our teachers were our fellow countrymen. However, when I went to college, everything turned out to be all different in many aspects. First of all, I struggled with my English communication skills because most of our teachers are foreigners. I really had to work hard in improving my communication skills because I so much desired the education that would really lead me to the life that I like. Secondly, the school was bigger in area and number of students. This made me see what I have missed and those which I have been blessed with. One of the things that I observed was the superiority of my fellow students who are able to speak English fluently. I envied them and turned my envy to a passion for learning. The diversity of the educational backgrounds of college students opened my eyes to what I can achieve and what I can do to help other people succeed. I learned that education can do wonders to a person especially when one is able to speak in English fluently. With this, I have decided that I have to become a good example not just in words but in action as well.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Homosexuality and Religion Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Homosexuality and Religion - Term Paper Example Human beings have inherent rights that States – and the Church – have the responsibility to protect. These rights are innate in them from the time they are born and no state can deprive them of such fundamental rights (Yecies 790). The question is: Is being gay or homosexual a fundamental and inherent right that States or the Church has to protect? This is a question for many theologians and scientists to debate. If being gay or homosexual is an inherent right then the Church must protect homosexuals and permit same-sex marriage. But as they say, it is open for debate. One thing is certain though – homosexuals are human beings and they have the right to be a part of the church as homosexuals. The UDHR espoused â€Å"a Kantian right to equality and moral autonomy for every human person into the circle of the family†, and according to this notion of human rights, there is equality in power and responsibility between the family’s adult members no matte r the sexual orientation. â€Å"In the human rights scheme, gender hierarchy is anathema† (Raday 211). ... Homosexual or heterosexual is not defined in the Bible as we are all members of humanity saved by the cross of Christ. In Christ, we become perfect and fully human but Christ’s work has yet to be completed. In other words, the term homosexual or heterosexual has a religious connotation. Homosexuals and heterosexuals do not defined themselves on the basis of their biological make up, or cultural orientation. To be homosexual or heterosexual is itself a conduct which is the result of factors beyond our control. A homosexual, that includes gay or lesbian, has sexual thoughts towards persons of the same sexual orientation (Bradshaw 120). Main Body Laws on homosexuality have traditionally been governed by promoting traditional morals. Gays have been considered â€Å"other† (Kershaw 559). This means gays are not considered the same with women, the disabled, or racial minority, or they are different. In the United States, even if federal laws prohibit discrimination on the bas is of race and gender, there is no law that explicitly protects homosexuals (qtd. in Kershaw 559). On the question of homosexual’s fundamental right, there are pros and cons to the argument that being gay is a fundamental right but sometimes it depends on what country you belong, i.e. according to the cultural orientation of that country. The UN encourages States to protect their citizens of fundamental rights. What is clear is that it cannot force a State to protect homosexuals of their â€Å"fundamental right†. What does the church, the Catholic Church in particular and other Protestant denominations, say about it? They can be divided about the issue. True, the Catholic Church and other monotheistic religions have condemned homosexuality,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Analysis of Language, Rhetoric, and Politics in George Orwell’s 1984 Essay Example for Free

Analysis of Language, Rhetoric, and Politics in George Orwell’s 1984 Essay This statement coming from the novel entitled Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell contains different meanings depending on its context and rationality. The phrase â€Å"war is peace† can be define as a prediction or conclusion that peace is always a result of war. When there is war, there would be peace, which is not always true depends on the situation. The phrase â€Å"freedom is slavery† can be said that even if you are free, there are influences, consequences, and contributors that would continue the act of slavery and people would still suffer from these cases. Because when we say freedom, there would be a form of governance and democracy but as long as authority exists, slavery would still become part of freedom. The phrase â€Å"ignorance is strength† can be true sometimes. If you are ignorant, you are more capable of acting without losing anything because you do not know something. Ignorance can be said as an escape to do everything without knowing anything – just to be free. However, why do these phrases were stated if they could actually say what is true and correct without any vague, ambiguous, and doublespeak words or languages. Use of languages can be vague and ambiguous depending on the person who used it, on the context he is relating with, the people he is talking to and the meaning of those words itself. Most often, we use words that are light but critical in order to make our audience or the person we are talking with will be less burdened by the whole situation. We use fuzzy, confusing and light words to exemplify the meaning of what we need to say in accordance to their feelings. One of the practical or simplest examples is the words or languages in business. A corporation needs to reduce its employees due to company problems, but rather than using honest words – they utilized technical words in order to make their employees understand the situations (not the real reason) with no hard feelings or at least minimal objection coming from the employees. One company denied it was laying off 500 people. We dont characterize it as a layoff, said the corporate spin doctor. Were managing our staff resources. Sometimes you manage them up, and sometimes you manage them down. Firing workers is such big business that there are companies whose business is helping other companies fire workers by providing termination and outplacement consulting for corporations involved in reduction activities. But dont worry, if youre managed down, the Outplacement Consultant will help you with re-employment engineering. (Lutz, 1996) Because of these scenarios, people became clueless rather than being educated that are actually needed in every aspect of human life. In order to become productive, we need to be sophisticated by the fact that we need to understand things that are connected to our jobs, sociological interaction, or even personal maters. However, there are instances when these aspects of understanding and education could not be obtained because people behind those conflicts and problems are apprehended by their actions. Therefore, it is a form of stealing – stealing our learning, knowledge, and privilege to recognize sensitive matters. That is why people having these issues are playing-safe to acquire less refusal or conflicts in the future but the consequences will be more problematic. Then, a question will rise towards these issues as it become more active during these times. The question will be what are the grounds of these people to state ambiguous, vague, and doublespeak that are more conflicting rather than honest thoughts? I guess, the reason why these things happened is that people are inherently liar in different forms and grounds as also based on the article of Stephanie Ericsson entitled, The Ways We Lie. Why do they need to do these? It is because they need to compel people that there is no problem or everything is all right to extent of lying just to make things better. We lie. We all do. We minimize, we avoid confrontation, we spare people’s feelings, we conveniently forget, we keep secrets, we justify lying to the big- guy situations. (Ericsson, 1992) This statement shows that we all lie in different situations especially when it is needed or sometimes we used words that are less offensive to minimize the reaction of our audience or who we are talking with. In this case, as connected to the phrases above, use of doublespeak, vague, or ambiguous words are already part of our sociological interaction. We are doing this in order to make the people less objective to the whole situation. However, we cannot deny the fact that it will soon emerged into a conflicting issues that needs to be done in accordance to the law. Coming from the novel Nineteen Eighty-four by Orwell the statement â€Å"robbing its citizens of their capacity for critical thought and reasonable, authentic self-expression† is true not only from the past but also in the present and will still exists in the future. It is a fear we too, in our modern society, must share, or argue that his fear is exaggerated or even unfounded. Because of the cases that were explained above, people could not be able to express themselves because hey are becoming ignorant to what is true and right. I can say that it is better to recognize the truth despite of the failure that it may cause rather than doing some actions and hoping that there would be a brighter future but actually, there would be no solution to the problem is more miserable. Our political, social, economic, and even personal aspects of living are full of doublespeak words and languages. This is because we are not always open to reality and truth for we do not want to be rejected, obligated, and failure. Most often, we keep on hiding from our blankets to escape from the certainty of everything. That is why, in order to minimize these cases, people are already doing lesser projections to reduce absurd feelings that may cause tension and despair. However, does political aspect needs these cases to magnify the burdens of the future. Logically, we know that political cases and aspects should be honest when it comes to its decision, preferences, and problems because its citizens are the primary affected from all of it. Nevertheless, this is not the situation today. There are some situations or maybe almost problematic situations that are hidden from the knowledge of the people for it will bring terrible conflict to the country. If the government could not control the situation and people knew about it, the president or the leader will explain but it will use doublespeak words or languages to make the people more comfortable and to lessen their fright, but up to what extent? Things like these happened after the September 11, 2001 attack in New York. The president claim that the country is already safe from terror attacks but he did not state any problem after the terror attack. He used doublespeak words to make its people less frightened from the whole situation but he did not say anything about the defenseless cases and problem within the white house that the terrorists already warned them but they did not pay attention to it. In this case, they did not want to be blamed so they made some segues and focused on the future having no further justifications of the past and the present. In our time, it is broadly true that political writing is bad writing. Where it is not true, it will generally be found that the writer is some kind of rebel, expressing his private opinions and not a party line. Orthodoxy, of whatever color, seems to demand a lifeless, imitative style. The political dialects to be found in pamphlets, leading articles, manifestoes, White papers and the speeches of undersecretaries do, of course, vary from party to party, but they are all alike in that one almost never finds in them a fresh, vivid, homemade turn of speech. As a whole, Orwell’s novel is a revelation of the past situations that still exists today. Language is not a problem but the people who used the language based on their intentions and desire. If they choose not to be obligated and responsible to the problem, they will use doublespeak words, but if we think of it, who will be responsible for all of those problems if no one is honest about everything? Is it the future generation, or our ancestors?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Impact of Information Technology on the UK Financial Sector :: Business and Management Studies

The Impact of Information Technology on the UK Financial Sector I have studied that in business, information technology can be used if effective in a strategic way in order to gain a competitive advantage and this can be seen in the UK financial services. In such an industry it can be said to be one of the most dynamic and rapidly growing sectors of the economy. Such a rate of change and growth has created a prolific environment for the innovation of information technology. The application of information technology has had a qualitative impact by changing the mode of operation in the financial sector, modifying the range of services provided and linking together geographically isolated financial hubs into a global financial community in order to trade 24 hours a day. For the past two decades organisations have noted that information technology is important for profitability on both the cost and revenue side. In the financial services sector costs arise from two broad areas of operation: those connected with the management of information, and those with the execution of transactions. Financial services have always been a labour-intensive industry. The rising cost of labour, relative to the cost of other factors of production, has imposed a burden of rising costs as a proportion of total revenue earned in such organisations as retail banks. The function of IT has been one very important way in which financial services firms have sought to contain their costs. For example, in commercial banking the application of successive generations of computerisation since the early 1960’s has dramatically reduced the size of ‘back-office’ staffing, while the growth of expensive paper-based systems for money transmission (cheque and credit clearing systems) has been curtailed by the development of paperless computerised payment systems such as BACS (Bankers Automated Clearing System) in the UK and the development of EFTPoS (Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale) systems. The role of information technology has grown and changed continuously in the banking sector. The banking industry has used IT to enable increases in the volume of transactions as well as the development of new products; applications have ranged from back-office (check and accounts) processing, mortgage and loan application processing, and the electronic funds transfer to more strategic innovations such as automated teller machines and new kinds of securities. The use of IT has also had some important customer - supplier effects. For the customers of service providers, it has been used to improve the quality and variety of services in many industries, especially through its ability to amass, analyse, and control large quantities of specialised data. Such improvements include error reduction or increased precision, faster or more convenient service, and improved

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Immigration Issues in the United States of America Essay

The United States of America (U.S.A) is a country that was founded on immigration. If a surplus of European immigrants would not have made the transatlantic voyage to America, the U.S.A. would more than likely be nonexistent. For centuries foreigners have been flocking to American soil, in search of a fresh start in a safe location. With so much turmoil and hostility going on in varied countries around the world, more foreigners are attempting to immigrate onto American soil. Now that the total population is rising significantly due to immigrants, a plethora of United States citizens are becoming outraged. If only American citizens would open their eyes to reality, they would discover that immigrants are actually benefiting the United States. Once they immigrate, a large percentage of foreigners do everything they can to be successful. Immigrants benefit the country by starting businesses, working jobs the typical American refuses to work, and bringing cultural diversity to the count ry. Some skeptics believe that foreigners are taking their jobs and raising the crime rate, but they those are wrong allegations. Immigration of foreigners into the U.S.A positively benefits the country in countless ways, instead of negatively affecting it. The economy of the United States of America has had its ups and downs over the course of its existence as a country. Innumerable amounts of people across the globe dream about someday moving to the United States and living out the â€Å"American Dream.† For the lucky foreigners that actually succeed in immigrating to the United States(U.S.)., many of them wish to start up their own businesses. â€Å"In 2008, immigrants represented about 17 percent of all new business owners in the U.S., according to The Washington Post. By 2011, immigrants were creating 28 percent of all new businesses, CNN reports†(Immigration Helps US City Economies and Labor Markets, S&P Says.†). When immigrants come into the U.S., they search for whatever jobs they can get, so that they may support themselves or their families. Many of the jobs available to these immigrants are low-wage jobs, and with such a low income, it becomes hard to support a whole family. That is why a decent percentage of immigrants are starting their own businesses. Once the immigrant decides to be an entrepreneur, their potential profitability sky rockets, because the success of their business could be exponential. Who would choose a minimum wage job over a high paying business venture? Sure there is a chance that the new business could fail, but that is a chance that these hard working individuals are willing to take. These immigrants came to the United States to have a better life, and they will stop at nothing to make sure all their efforts will not be thwarted. â€Å"And as of 2008, immigrant-owned businesses were generating about $67 billion of the country’s annual $577 billion in business income†( Immigration Helps US City Economies and Labor Markets, S&P Says.†). As far as statistics go, it looks as if these foreign entrepreneurs are succeeding. Other areas of the United States economy rely on immigrants. The agricultural economy of the U.S. relies on immigrants to harvest their crops. If not enough foreigners are allowed into the country, farmers will lose vast sums of money, because their crops will not be harvested in time. â€Å"With the harvest season in full bloom, stringent immigration laws have forced waves of undocumented immigrants to flee certain states for more-hospitable areas. In their wake, thousands of acres of crops have been left to rot in the fields, as farmers have struggled to compensate for labor shortages with domestic help†( Bitter Harvest: U.S. Farmers Blame Billion-Dollar Losses on Immigration Laws). Recently with increased border security, fewer immigrants are being let in to the United States, and it has been taking a toll on the agricultural community. Farmers are desperate to get as many migrant workers that they can every harvest season. Now that there significantly less immigrants being allowed into the country, farmers crops are dying before the y can harvest them. Immigration is essential to the success of American farmers, because the common American is not willing to do the difficult labor that the migrant workers perform for the farmers. Immigrants are coming into the U.S. and are actually helping American citizens receive more capital for the jobs they are performing. Some Americans believe that immigrants are a nuisance to the country, and that they do nothing but hurt it. They are very wrong to assume this, because immigrants are actually enabling Americans to profit more for the jobs they are performing. â€Å"This implies that total immigration to the United States from 1990 to 2007 was associated with a 6.6% to 9.9% increase in real income per worker. That equals an increase of about $5,100 in the yearly income of the average U.S. worker in constant 2005 dollars†( FRBSF Economic Letter: The Effect of Immigrants on U.S. Employment and Productivity). This statistic is astounding. Not enough U.S. citizens believe that immigrants are essential to the prosperity of the United States. Immigrants are not only opening up more job opportunities for the American public, but they are also helping them to earn a reasonable increase of income. Without these immigrants, the minimum wage would more than likely take longer to increase over time. The demand for consumer goods is always fluctuating. The American public loves to spend the money they earn. With recent problems in the economy, such as the recession, people are spending less money on consumer goods. Immigrants are essential to the purchasing of consumer goods, because they make up a large portion of the United States population now. â€Å"The Immigration Policy Center estimates that the purchasing power of Latinos and Asians, many of whom are immigrants, alone will reach $1.5 trillion and $775 billion, respectively, by 2015†( The White House Blog). With the amount of immigrants increasing as such a rate, they have now become some of the top buyers of consumer goods in the country. The money that they earn working hard at their differing jobs, they go out and spend on American goods. This in turn helps the economy in the country exponentially, because without them, the population in the U.S. would be significantly less; therefore there would be a substantial loss in the profitability of consumer goods. Also, the immigrants coming into the country help support local buying of goods. No longer can they buy the goods that they once did in their home countries, so they are now supporting the economy of the United States more than ever before. A common misconception of foreigners is that they are taking jobs from American citizens when they immigrate into the country. â€Å"Illegal aliens come to the United States to take jobs that offer them greater opportunity, and they are often welcomed by U.S. employers who are able to hire them for wages lower than they would have to pay to hire U.S. workers†(Passel). The individuals who believe this fallacy could not be more wrong. The truth is, immigrants are benefiting the U.S. economy more than ever. â€Å"Meanwhile, the research has found that immigrants – including the poor, uneducated ones coming from south of the border — have a big positive impact on the economy over the long run, bolstering the profitability of American firms, reducing the prices of some products and services by providing employers with a new labor source and creating more opportunities for investment and jobs†( Immigration and American Jobs). These immigrants came to the U.S. to escape the rough cultures in which they grew up. They only hoped to start a better life in the United States, and do better for themselves. Not only are they now making more money than they would have in their country of origin, but they are also helping to stimulate the nation’s economy considerably. The immigrant work force has benefited the citizens of the U.S. to a degree that has never happened before. While some Americans despise the fact that a plethora of new foreigners are â€Å"taking over† their county, countless others are extremely thankful for all that the immigrants have done for the U.S. Foreigners are skilled in a wide variety of talents. Technology is key in the prosperity of a countries economy. With a surplus of new foreigners in the Unites States, more and more inventions are being constructed by these individuals. â€Å"According to a survey by the National Foundation for American Policy, immigrants have started nearly half of the top 50 venture-funded companies. Software, semiconductors, and biotechnology are the most common venture-backed startup firms started by immigrants†( Nowrasteh). Many of the immigrants that come to the United States of America, are coming from China and the Middle east. These populations of people grew up on the principle of working very hard and staying focused. Now that these foreigners are able to use more advanced technology, they are able to use their talents to their full abilities. Where they once did not have access to the most advanced technology available to mankind, they are now coming to the U.S. and experiencing all that a technologically savvy country has to offer. Crime has become quite the hot topic when it comes to immigrants. American citizens believe that the surplus of immigrants into the country has caused the crime rate to noticeably increase, but this is just another myth. â€Å"In El Paso, Texas violent crime down 36 percent – it sits right across from Juarez, Mexico, one of the deadliest cities on earth. In Phoenix major crime has dropped 10 percent from 2000 to 2009†( Does Illegal Immigration Lead to More Crime?). Just because many immigrants do not have the money, at first, to move into wealthy American communities, people in the U.S. believe that they are criminals. How many people get nervous when they drive through a rough part of town? Well these â€Å"rough† parts of town are where most of these immigrants live when they first come to the country, because they previously spent most of the money they had on moving to America. Crime and immigration are two terms that do not go hand in hand. A very large perc entage of the immigrants coming to America are doing nothing but trying to prosper and live the life that they always wanted to have. Immigration is something that will benefit the Unites States of America in the long run, because it helps to create a very diverse nation. â€Å"The fact that people want to come to the US enhances its appeal. Likewise, because the presence of many cultures creates avenues of connection with other countries, it helps to broaden Americans’ attitudes and views of the world in an era of globalization†( Immigrants Will Strengthen US Power). Once these immigrants come to the United States, they usually have family back in their home country, or connections with businesses. Now that they live in the U.S. they are able to make long lasting connections between their current businesses and their previous businesses. Not only are these immigrants connecting ties back to their home countries, but they are making the United States a more culturally diverse nation. Since the founding of the United States of America, people have been trying to move onto its soil to have a better life , and now they finally can live it. The United States of America has been profiting from immigration since its founding day. Now that there are a wide variety of foreigners in the U.S., the possibilities for economic growth are endless. Immigrants are so essential to the prosperity of the country. Even though there are a plethora of misconceptions of foreigners, they are doing everything they can to prosper in this nation. They start businesses, raise the income for American citizens, and do countless other things to better the nation. Immigration is the future. Works Cited â€Å"Bitter Harvest: U.S. Farmers Blame Billion-Dollar Losses on Immigration Laws.† Business Money Bitter Harvest US Farmers Blame BillionDollar Losses on Immigration Laws Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Does Illegal Immigration Lead to More Crime?† CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 23 July 2010. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. â€Å"FRBSF Economic Letter: The Effect of Immigrants on U.S. Employment and Productivity (2010-26, 8/30/2010).† FRBSF Economic Letter: The Effect of Immigrants on U.S. Employment and Productivity (2010-26, 8/30/2010). N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Immigrants Will Strengthen US Power.† South China Morning Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Immigration and American Jobs.† Economix Immigration and American Jobs Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Immigration Helps US City Economies and Labor Markets, S&P Says.† Fox News Latino. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. Nowrasteh, Alex. â€Å"Immigrants Help Fuel Te ch Growth.† The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 19 Jan. 2012. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. Passel, Jeffery S., and Cohn D’Vera. â€Å"Illegal Aliens Taking U.S Jobs (2011).† Fedoration For American Immigration Reform. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. â€Å"The White House Blog.† Ten Ways Immigrants Help Build and Strengthen Our Economy. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Van Gogh

Power of Art: Vincent Van Gogh Vincent Van Gogh was a unique and unusual man, yet one would surely not believe that he was a self-taught painter. Vincent was born in 1853 in Grotto-Sunders, a village located in the south of Netherlands. Van Gogh did not pick up painting until the age of 27 which is somewhat late for the average painter of his time. He also did not Jump straight to being an artist, but attempted to be a minister, a missionary, an art dealer, and a teacher. We will see what shaped Van Sago's art whether it was through his perception of the world or through his quest to keep his sanity.We can observe most of Van Sago's life through the connection he and his brother made by the writing of each other's letters. His younger brother, Thee helped Vincent emotionally and financially as he started his new found passion for creating art. Since his attempt of being a preacher did not go as planned, Vincent in a way turned to painting because of familiarity and to express his rel igious faith. Despite his motives, Van Gogh fell short of capturing an audience through his art work. For a while he shared an apartment with a prostitute name Seen. Seen was said to be his muse, his source of inspiration in the creation of artwork.When Vincent father caught wind of this relationship that had trouble written all over it, he demanded that Vincent immediately rid himself of her and continue on his way. He finally gave in and abandoned Seen, leaving her alone where she once again turned to prostitution for her source of income. Van Gogh did not have much luck at first when it came to attracting buyers for his artwork, but the creation of his painting â€Å"The Potato Eaters† was one of his first works to gain some recognition. It was a painting of poor peasants eating potatoes around a inner table.Vincent purposely chose to depict them in their natural environment where it can easily be seen that these hard working peasants labor tirelessly to earn their small r ations of food. The painting further complements the idea of â€Å"poor and unfortunate† through the use of dark, thick, and dusty looking colors. Van Gogh was very heavy on his brush when it came to painting portraits like this because he did not Just want to paint something, but he wanted to create philosophical connection with his audience which most likely were the middle and upper class of society.After moving to Paris, Van Gogh finally found impressionism and began creating paintings with the use of lighter and more brilliant colors. Thee had informed Vincent that it was a very difficult endeavor to sell his paintings to art collectors who disliked his type of dark art style. It was at that point that Vincent embraced his light side and embraced nature as a source of beauty that could only be captured through the use of richly draped yellows, and other lavish colors. One of Van Sago's painting called â€Å"the Sorer† incorporates complementary colors to bring a s ort of immersed intensity to the picture.This painting is a recreation of an earlier painting, but Van Sago's has a glow of brilliance to it through the use of a variety of colors that is sure the audience's eyes in ecstasy. Vincent was always a little skittish growing up, but now it was evident that he was beginning to go mad. It is quite unsure how it came about, but it was said that Van Gogh, in a moment of immense tension, cut his own ear off because of an argument between Gauguin and himself. From there on it was all downhill for the upcoming artist.Vincent eventually admitted himself to a mental hospital where he painted for while in an effort to keep himself from becoming a lunatic Later, he moved with a doctor who specialized with artists who suffered from mental illnesses. Van Gogh seemed to have recovered enough to have left the care of the doctor and returned to painting soon after. One of his last and one his notable works is called â€Å"Wheat Field with Crows†. It is painting that depicts a dramatic landscape set in a wheat field with a great sea of blue as the sky. The single road and flock of crows direct you in an unsure direction, It brings about a sense of loneliness.With thick and heavy strokes, the setting is set or a wind-swept field of golden wheat. This painting is one amongst his unique and haunting works created. A man who may have been mentally ill or Just a man mad at the world for not understanding his views through his art? No one will ever know for sure because his story came to an end when it was said that he shot himself in the stomach later dying due to infection from the wound. It is not clear what type of mental illness Van Gogh suffered from if he did at all suffer from one, but it is fact that he had a way of creating art through the power of his mind and emotion. Van Gogh It seems when one closes their bedroom door all mundane thoughts are gone and you are left with your imagination. One who agrees with this interpretation is Jane Flanders. Jane Flanders is a highly educated woman, as she attended Mar College and Columbia University, she has three books of poems published and has won many awards. A person whose mind is always running and always working such as hers can agree that rest for the imagination is the best way to strengthen it.One simple painting of his bed and petite, creaky room and one simple four stanza poem shows how materialistic possessions can never reflect the human soul, simplicity in life heightens creativity ND how solitude doesn't have to be a negative aspect in life. â€Å"l can tell you that for my part I will try to keep a straight course, and will paint the most simple, the most common things† (Van Gogh, 545). This was written in a letter to Vincent brother Thee, Van Gogh is declaring how he now wants to live his life : straight forward and simple.As one can see in the painting he did not accumulate many riches in his life. He never kept heirlooms or anything of wealthy status. His bedroom as described in the poem is â€Å"is narrow†¦ Clumsy but friendly†¦ Empty' (Flanders, Van Sago's Bed). The pictures on the wall are crooked, it's a tiny room for one with a narrow window, filled with a table where he works and chairs to sit on. Flanders describes it Just as it is, these adjectives can be not be clearer. To me this proves that materialistic objects in life can never reflect the soul off person.Van Gogh had a talent that millions of apprentices striver for. It was typical for only the rich to be educated and/or learn an artist's trade. It's common for the wealthy to obtain more opportunities in life than he poor, yet a man with many personal struggles in his life is known as a man today that is hard to measure up to. Many people believe your status, or what you own is who you are, this is not true. One can see how his bedrooms looks like one of a peasants, yet this status or preconception does not diminish nor prove that he is not gifted or have a remarkable soul.It's like today how homeless people are looked down upon like uneducated, untalented scum but in reality they could be Just as gifted as a privileged person. Just because they struggle in different ways than we do goes not mean their soul is any less valuable. The value of what we own does not determine the value of our souls and being. What creates this value is our imagination, spirit, morals, personality, creativity and expression. These aspects in life help us find our purpose, our materialistic success can never fulfill such a destiny.Without imagination what would life be like? The only word I can think of is lifeless. No child's smile would light up the room, no painting would be filled with color, no Joke would ever hear a laugh, no purpose would there be in life. Just as cells re the building bl ocks of physical life, imaginations are the building blocks of our purposes in life, whatever they may be. When looking at his painting I take from the simplicity, rest. Rest of the mind, body and spirit, when these three are at rest they grow a unique, metal potential kinetic energy.When one locks themselves away from the world in their bedroom, a safe place where no one can disturb them, their mind is now at ease. There are no worries that can bother them, whatever is out of sight is now out of mind and the mind now becomes clearer. When the mind is clear and jack to its simplistic ways all that is left is imagination and creativity that is free to roam. This is why Van Sago's bed is right next to his work desk where his mind can freely express itself. It's common for all humans to lay in bed and because the complexities of our day is over we no longer have to think about what is next until the morning.Nothing left is on our lists for us to be preoccupied with. Life complexity cri pples creativity, if we're constantly thinking about our mundane world, we never have a chance to think about our inner selves. This can also be proven in the color Van Gogh uses. The brilliant, vibrant colors such as orange, yellow, blue and green come to life via simple form. His use of these colors bring his bedroom to life, it proves that even though it's a simple picture, its one little thing in life that makes the difference of it Just existing or it living, that's creativity that sparks from imagination.All in all, rest lets our minds breathe and gives us a greater creative potential, and anything else more than simple can deprive us from this. Looking at his painting, one might feel sadness by observing how there are two pillows for one head and two hairs for one body. Being alone is mostly deemed as a negative aspect in life, and it is natural to think that due to humans instinctual being social creatures. Though it is lovely having loved ones in life, solitude is not alway s negative, you can be alone without feeling lonely.Flanders describes his bedroom as, â€Å"is empty, morning light pours in like wine, melody, fragrance, the memory of happiness† (Flanders, 545). She perfectly shows how emptiness isn't always a hollow pain, but rather a nostalgic memory. Memories were created in that bedroom, paintings with inexplicable expressions of the Joy in life and the sad confusion. Van Gogh wasn't alone, he had himself, he had his artwork, and his imagination alone kept him company. Solitude is one of the many paths to figure out our niche in life, something that he longed for.Learning to be happy alone brings a life time of happiness, you never have to depend on someone or something else to bring you happiness in life. You are always with yourself and loving and enjoying your own company is a stable way to ensure your happiness. Even though Van Gogh is seen historically as an unstable man, solitude ay have given him stability. He didn't seem to â⠂¬Å"fit into† the world around him, but the world he understood was his own through art.One can also see in this stanza how Flanders compares the morning light pouring in like wine, a melody or a fragrance, all very simple things that can spark a memory. These may have been things one experienced by themselves resting, reflecting upon them alone, how a memory of an experience learning about themselves can bring self-happiness. This is why solitude is not always a such a bad thing, we are our greatest teachers in life, only we can fulfill our destinies and we can only move to the next step by knowing who we are and we do this through solitude.A painting so simple yet packed with so much. Van Gogh succeeded in showing the viewer what he wanted to portray, how our materialistic life can never reflect the life we live on the inside of ourselves, how when we rest our minds they finally begin to work the way they were destined to and how solitude enables us to progress in our person al purposes in life. Van Gogh states, â€Å"It's Just simply my bedroom, only here color is to do everything, and giving by TTS simplification a grander style to things, is to be suggestive here of rest or of sleep in general.In a word, to look at the picture ought to rest the brain or rather the imagination† (545). Van Gogh shows all he intends to through color, life could not exist in black in white, and nothing would be unique. He uses these bright colors in his unique signature pattern to portray how different ones imagination can change something so simple. It's still simple, Just more valuable, it's customized. This shows how materials can never prove who we are, imagination sparks from rest and prospers from ourselves.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Did Oliver Cromwell Achieve his Objectives Essay Example

Did Oliver Cromwell Achieve his Objectives Essay Example Did Oliver Cromwell Achieve his Objectives Essay Did Oliver Cromwell Achieve his Objectives Essay To begin answering this question, one must first identify what Cromwells objectives actually were. The three main aspects that really concerned Cromwell were political, social and religious. Oliver was a very undecided man and often his aims were unclear. He is one of the most controversial figures in history and head of Britains only republican government to date. There is little doubt that his religion was most important to Cromwell, and that his aims in this area spilled over into his other policies. Almost everything he did was mingled with the idea of providence or the will of God as he saw it; he often used God to cloak his true ambitions.Cromwells main objectives were indisputably the healing and settlement and Godly reformation of the country. The problem that arises is that they are incompatible and almost contradict each other; this incompatibility and contradiction goes as deep as his own personality. The most important factor in Cromwells life was God. Cromwell was origin ally from the lower gentry and a social conservative at heart, but a radical zealot at the same time. This most unusual radical conservatism (or in the words of Blair Wordon ideological schizophrenia) was the cause of most of the failures he suffered; he could never satisfy both sides effectively.It is possible that this was genuine schizophrenia, as before he found God he was diagnosed with melancholy [depression] by a physician. He also had a peculiar character for a ruler and was well known for his often bad etiquette and practical jokes. After the religious awakening that apparently cured him of his depression, from the early 1630s onwards he was a devout protestant. He became zealous fanatically religious and from then on anything that happened was, in Cromwells eyes, a direct result of Gods will.He was a soldier and every battle was a religious event; his army was the instrument of God. This idea of providence plays a major part in most of his active decisions. In his strif e for both a settlement and a Godly reformation he experimented with a number of different parliaments and constitutions. Notably, Cromwell was fairly tolerant of different religious sects. This was unlike any former head of state in England indeed, there had been many killed during the reign of the Tudors in the name of religion, and the national religion changed many times. Cromwell was far more liberal and allowed many Protestant sects such as Baptists and Presbyterians. However, Catholics were most definitely not welcome and Cromwell went as far as to denounce Papists (and Cavaliers) as uns of this can be seen in both the Rump and Barebones parliaments.The Rump, in Cromwells zealous opinion, had become estranged from God; in the dissolving speech he called the MPs drunkards and whoremasters and men who were scandalous to the profession of the gospel. The Barebones however, was too radical for Cromwells conservative side; they threatened to sweep hierarchical social order away i n a torrent of reforms. While Cromwell might not have been able to get on well with parliaments, MPs in general liked him no better. Two things they hated were religious liberty and the army (mainly because of the armys huge influence in government), and Cromwell was strongly associated with both.It took Cromwell weeks to decide not to accept the crown. His eventual decline of the offer was ultimately down to his strong will to do Gods bidding. By providence God had shown that the capital punishment of Charles I was right, and the army had fought a most unpleasant civil war for parliament and a change in the constitution. He knew that the army would have been likely to rise up against him if he accepted, as this is just what they had fought to remove. However, Cromwell was not at all happy with the execution; his conservative side longed for a peaceful settlement with the king.What probably took him so long to decline was that he knew the crown could have provided the settlement the country needed. It is clear that the majority of the population were in a way lost without a divine king to rule them, and this can be seen with the benefit or retrospect as the crown was back only two years after Cromwells death. However there is in addition a less spiritual reason; if Cromwell had accepted he would have had reduced powers to carry out the reforms he wanted; his powers as Lord Protector were far greater than the kings. Perhaps he was also contemplating whether or not the crown was one of his objectives. He had risen through the ranks from a lowly country squire to overlord and was then in a position to become king. It was surely his zealous side that prevented him, even if his it would have been the ultimate goal for his conservative side.The Major-Generals experiment of 1655-56 was quite a drastic step to take, but the embarrassing defeat of the Western Design made it necessary by providence. Just as victories showed Cromwell that God was on his side, such a defe at must mean he had lost Gods support. The Major-Generals were possibly the closest Cromwell actually came to creating the godly nation he sought for. This objective was never fully achieved, but there was at the very least a reformation of manners to turn people to do the will of God which he achieved for a while. The Major-Generals were authoritarian regional figures, in control of every aspect of life. Firstly security was the objective as there had been some Royalist uprisings, but they were also there to see Cromwells reformation of manners to fruition.They went on a purge of all things un-Godly such as brothels, blasphemy and adultery down to drinking and swearing, which was met by the general population with apathy at best. There were only a small few zealots who shared Cromwells passion for Godliness, and this is really why Cromwell achieved none of his main objectives: Apart from his declared enemies, there was the majority of the country who were far more interested in s ettlement than reformation, or just not interested at all. After only a year as if Cromwells want for healing and settlement had gained control over his will for reformation again. Nevertheless, for as long as he actually pursued the reformation of manners it was effective, and Cromwells England became a marvellous protestant role model for the rest of the world.One area in which Cromwell did appear successful was foreign policy. Spains Catholicism was unforgivable and England remained at war with them, however peace was made with the Protestant Dutch. Despite the failure of the Western Design and the expense of this war there were many great victories over Spain, notably in the Mediterranean under Admiral Blake and Jamaica was brought under English rule. Closer to home the republic slowly gained control over Scotland and Ireland making Britain a reality; Cromwell himself leading his army In Ireland for example. Nearly all of Cromwells actions regarding foreign policy promoted Engla nd as a major Protestant power with a competent army this was one major objective that was actually achieved.Certain incidents such as the slaughter of civilians at Drogheda were all part and partial of crushing Irish and Royalist risings; Cromwells justification is that killing these people, will tend to prevent the effusion of blood for the future. At the time the alliance made with France against Spain was an effective policy, although some historians think that Cromwell should have noticed France overtaking Spain in power. If he had allied with Spain and fought France then both Catholic nations would be weakened, but Englands long nurtured hatred of Spain far outweighed this. I believe that it would have been impossible at the time to predict Englands later conflict with the French.There are many other areas of success under the Lord Protector and Commonwealth. The country was not only internationally respectable, but also domestically very secure. Amongst some of the law refor m was a decree passed so that all legal proceedings were to be conducted in the English language, not Latin. To bring the whole country more in line with his religious aspirations he sent reliable clergy to Wales and Scotland as part of the Acts for the Propagation of the Gospel. A modern and impressive navy was also constructed, and most of the old rivalries disappeared. Indeed, people like Thomas Mainwaring in particular held banquets at which old civil war adversaries dined together. An obvious example of Cromwells own personal achievement was his military prowess. He rose through the ranks to become head of the best army England had known, and it was this position that enabled him to take on the role of Lord Protector after the regicide.Cromwells main objective of Godly reformation was essentially a failure that resulted in the restoration of the monarchy a mere two years after his death. The reasons for this failure are twofold: The apathy or unwillingness of the population tow ards becoming Gods nation and Cromwell himself. He could not manage to create one stable government in all his time as Lord Protector. And although he failed in his main task in the long run, it was a noble attempt that set a precedent in world politics. The progress made to settle and heal the country made their mark too. Cromwells zeal had got him to the number one spot in the country, but once there he was did not appear to be able to make good his ideals. Cromwells early life and upbringing as an English gentleman held him back from any tangible radical reformation and the ideas of settlement and reformation were in continuous conflict in his mind.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Calificar para no pagar tarifa o arancel migratorio

Calificar para no pagar tarifa o arancel migratorio Si usted est pasando por un mal momento financiero y desea tramitar una peticià ³n o solicitud con el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) puede que se pregunte si est obligado a pagar la cuota. Y hace bien en preguntarse esa inquietud porque en casos concretos se permite que los migrantes que presentan una aplicacià ³n al USCIS no paguen por los trmites migratorios.   Pero, ¿quià ©n califica y para quà © tipo de peticiones?   Hay que cumplir dos tipos de requerimientos. En primer lugar, pasar por una necesidad econà ³mica que cumpla unas directrices marcadas por la ley y que se explican a continuacià ³n. Y, en segundo lugar, que se trate de una de las peticiones o solicitudes migratorias seà ±aladas ms abajo. Es decir, no se puede solicitar el beneficio de la exencià ³n o no pago para todos tipo de casos.   Quià ©nes pueden solicitar no pagar por un trmite migratorio por dificultades financieras La primera condicià ³n para solicitar no pagar la tarifa migratoria es estar en una de las tres situaciones siguientes: Estar recibiendo un beneficio federal o del estado que es considerado means-tested. Es decir, el gobierno lo da porque los ingresos o los recursos del beneficiado son bajos. Ejemplos de estos beneficios son los programas de: Medicaid, Ayuda a la vivienda, Cupones de alimentos en el programa SNAP, TANF, SSI, etc. Para solicitar no pagar por un trmite migratorio hay que ser el beneficiario de estas ayudas consideradas means-tested  o su cà ³nyuge o hijo soltero menor de 21 aà ±os que vive con el beneficiario. Adems, se puede solicitar no pagar una tarifa o cuota migratoria si se vive en un hogar familiar con ingresos no superiores al 150 por ciento de la là ­nea de pobreza. Adems, el USCIS brinda un documento donde se puede verificar el monto ya calculado segà ºn el tamaà ±o del hogar familiar y que se puede consultar en el formulario I-912P. Esta es una cantidad que fija un organismo del gobierno federal y varà ­a de aà ±o a aà ±o. Adems, en los estados de Alaska y Hawaii es ms alta que en el resto de Estados Unidos o sus territorios, como el estado libre asociado de Puerto Rico. Finalmente, la otra situacià ³n que permite solicitar la exencià ³n del pago al USCIS es la de estar pasando por una mala situacià ³n econà ³mica. Por ejemplo, debido a quedarse recientemente desempleado, a tener que hacer frente a facturas mà ©dicas, etc. Si un inmigrante se encuentra en una de esas tres situaciones econà ³micas mencionadas, podr solicitar no pagar la tarifa migratoria pero  sà ³lo si quiere aplicar por uno de los beneficios migratorios expresamente mencionados en la lista siguiente. Para quà © trmites se puede solicitar no pagar la cuota I-90, para remplazar la tarjeta de residente permanente.I-131, aplicacià ³n de un Documento de viaje, si se est aplicando por un parole humanitario.I-192, sà ³lo en determinados casos en los que se solicita un Permiso Adelantado para ingresar como no inmigrante.I-290B, que es el formulario para Apelar o para Mocià ³n. Sà ³lo en casos especà ­ficos.I-485, para ajustar el estatus o aplicar para registrar la residencia permanente. Sà ³lo en los casos en los que se solicita basado en uno de los siguientes estatus:​ visa U, para và ­ctimas de violenciavisa T, para và ­ctimas de trfico de personasasilo,  cà ³nyuge, hijo o padre/madre de un ciudadano o residente permanente que ha sufrido violencia que asà ­ se reconoce, por VAWA. Jà ³venes Inmigrantes Especiales,o presencia en EEUU desde 1972 en aplicacià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia por el Registry. I-539, en casos concretos.I-751,para remover el carcter condicional de una green card.I-765, para solicitar una autorizacià ³n de empleo, excepto en los casos de Dreamers que lo solicitan en virtud de la Accià ³n Diferida. Para los Dreamers  no es posible pedir no pagar.I-817, para pedir una extensià ³n de los beneficios de unidad familiar en casos de personas autorizadas a permanecer en EEUU al amparo de IMMACT 90 o LIFE ACT.N-300, declaracià ³n de intencià ³n de convertirse en ciudadano. Este formulario sà ³lo es necesario en algunos estados cuando un residente permanente tiene negocios con el gobierno de dicho estado.N-336, solicitud de audiencia sobre una decisià ³n durante el procedimiento de naturalizacià ³n, si se cumplen unos requisitos.N-400 (solicitud de adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a americana por naturalizacià ³n). Si se est pensando en iniciar esta tramitacià ³n, es conveniente tomar este test para saber si se tienen los conocimientos histà ³ricos y cà ­vicos necesarios para aprobar el examen.N-470, aplicacià ³n para conservar residencia con la finalidad de naturalizarse en los casos en los que un residente permanente debe abandonar temporalmente los EEUU por razones de trabajo y cumple con todos los requisitos para que el tiempo que vive en el extranjero se le compute como si estuviera residiendo en los Estados Unidos a la hora de computar aà ±os de residencia para la naturalizacià ³n. N-565, para el reemplazo del certificado de naturalizacià ³n.N-600, para la solicitud de un certificado de ciudadanà ­a.N-600K, aplicacià ³n de ciudadanà ­a para un nià ±o que habitualmente reside en el extranjero pero uno de los padres es ciudadano americano.(Caso de naturalizacià ³n por un abuelo). Adems, se puede pedir la exencià ³n en el pago de las cuotas relacionadas con las pruebas biomà ©tricas relacionadas con las aplicaciones mencionadas justo anteriormente. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son las necesarias para la Accià ³n Diferida de los Dreamers, ya que ellos no pueden beneficiarse de esta posibilidad de no pagar.   Si el trmite que se desea realizar con el USCIS no est en ese listado eso quiere decir que  no se puede solicitar no pagar, aunque no se tenga dinero para los trmites. Por ejemplo, no es posible no pagar por las solicitudes para reclamar la green card para un familiar. Siempre hay que pagar la cuota. Cà ³mo se aplica para solicitar no pagar la tarifa migratoria Los inmigrantes que reà ºnen al mismo tiempo estos requisitos: Tener necesidad econà ³mica, segà ºn una de las tres posibilidades arriba mencionadas.Querer enviar al USCIS una peticià ³n o solicitud para la que inmigracià ³n admite la exencià ³n del pago (verificar la lista anterior).Enviar la documentacià ³n necesaria para apoyar la razà ³n por la que se solicita la exencià ³n del pago. Si se cumplen todos esos requerimientos, se puede enviar la aplicacià ³n o solicitud del beneficio migratorio que se pide aà ±adiendo en el mismo sobre el formulario   I-912  y las evidencias necesarias segà ºn la razà ³n por la que se pide estar exonerado de la obligacià ³n de pagar. Adems, incluso es posible solicitar este beneficio mediante una carga en inglà ©s firmada por el interesado. Tambià ©n es necesario aportar documentacià ³n para apoyar el caso. Para las personas interesadas en conocer ms en profundidad, se aconseja leer el artà ­culo  cà ³mo pedir a Inmigracià ³n no pagar la cuota migratoria. Asimismo, recordar que mentir o falsificar la informacià ³n que se brinda al USCIS puede ser causa de un gran problema migratorio de difà ­cil solucià ³n. Antes de caer en la tentacià ³n de afirmar cosas que no son ciertas es muy aconsejable consultar con un abogado y tener muy claras las posibles consecuencias. Y finalmente destacar que si se presenta alguna documentacià ³n en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s debe traducirse. No es necesario utilizar notario ni traductor jurado. Pero la traduccià ³n debe ser verdadera y certificarse  siguiendo un modelo de carta. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Financial Management in Banks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Management in Banks - Essay Example It is said to be very essential because it decreases the chances of loss and enhances profit expectation. Like any other firm, the ultimate objective of banks and financial institutions is to maximize profit and shareholder wealth. Financial management plays an important role in achieving these goals in banks. The crucial aspects of financial management such as capital budgeting, investment appraisal, capital structure and risk management are some very important considerations in banking operations. Maximization of profit and shareholder wealth is only possible if banks perform its fundamental activities i.e. advancing loans and receiving deposits in a manner that can minimize the elements of risk. For this purpose, the use of financial management is very important in banks. The preceding paragraphs elaborate the use of financial management in banks for the maximization profit and shareholder wealth and the importance of risk management techniques in this regard. Financial management is considered to be very crucial when a bank undertakes a new project or investment. Investment and capital budgeting decisions in banks are taken on the basis of positive NPV criterion. It is because of the fact that it is consistent with the notion of shareholder wealth maximisation as a positive NPV means increase in the expected bank cash flows (Schroeck, 2002). Therefore, when decisions are taken on the basis of positive NPV, they are expected to enhance profit as well as shareholder wealth in the form of share price maximization. These new projects and investments have a great impact on bank cash flows, earnings and shareholder wealth. The use of financial management capital budgeting techniques help bank to stabilise their rate of return and minimise costs. Risk management is one of the most essential aspects of bank activities. Managing risk is important for the purpose of profit and shareholder wealth maximization. Banks confront with lending capacity restrictions and rising cost of acquiring new funds. This makes it crucial for banks to invest their funds in a prudent manner by employing various risk management techniques (Froot and Stein, 1995). Risk management helps a bank to reduce the volatility of its expected cash flows and earnings and thus increase the chances of profit and shareholder wealth maximization. It protects a bank's stock price to fluctuate in response to market uncertainties and stabilises return on equity. Risk management can also lead to reduction of cost of capital as it enables banks to proactively acquire enough funds to meet its future investment needs. Shareholder value is also protected as risk management techniques prevent fluctuations in the market value of banks (Schroeck, 2002). Increasing competition in banking sector due to ever increasing number of banks is also becoming the major source of risk. Banks remain ready to advance loans without extracting complete information on borrowers' capacity and credit rating. This leads to increase in bank's credit risk because most borrowers fail to pay off the loans they acquire (Marquez, 2002). The risk in the banking sector has increased a lot in the recent year. Many